

Sunday, August 29, 2010

week with grandpa and grandma

We got to have another week this year with Michael and Jake. We had a great time. They got to play in the pool. and run through the sprinklers. As you can tell, Jake doesn't like to get his head wet.

They loved to dress up in costumes. We got a great deal at a garage sale. A box of 6 different costumes plus a couple masks that change your voice for $3. sorry for the side view. I don't know how to rotate it.

We went to the splash park.

Again, Jake didn't want to get his head wet, but Michael loved it all.

We painted rocks to put in Grandma's flowers. Guess what color Michael chose?

But my favorite was watching them just be them. What a great way to watch TV. We look forward to next summer so we can do it again.


1 comment:

Bridgette said...

What goof balls! But I wouldn't change them for anything.