

Sunday, August 29, 2010

our new house

Well, we finally decided to do it. We are getting stucco and rock on our house. They weren't supposed to start until Monday, but on Wed. they said they'd start tomorrow. So when we got home on Thurs. night. they had all the old off and some of the boards nailed on.
This is what we see when we look out the backdoor to the deck. I don't think it would pass safety issues at FMC. Now we just need to figure out how to make it come to the house again.

Friday brought us this far. I have never seen such hard workers.

Even Grandpa was helping. Sat. they started on the primer base.

I told Michael he wouldn't recognize our house when he came. He was the one that noticed when we got a new front door. I'll keep you updated


Trudie said...

I hope the rest of us find your new house. It will be awesome.

Bridgette said...

Pretty exciting. What color did you choose? Did you ask me to check on trex?