

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The $53 fish

Fishing license $36
Gas $10
Lost lures $6
Hand sanitizer $1
A perfect day, with a perfect guy -priceless

So after years of being away, I finally put other things aside and spent a great morning with Kevin down at Flaming Gorge Lake.
My first catch of the day besides moss was this great stick.

The 2nd catch of the day, besides more moss was my glove. I tried to leave it on while cleaning off the moss. Not a good idea. I couldn't get the knack of just flipping it off in the water. Kevin said he remembered as a kid watching a couple old drunk guys flip it off their poles without having to touch the yucky stuff. I guess I wasn't drunk enough :)

Ah, but the 3rd catch was a good one.
The time just flew by. Then the wind came up and
it was time to call it a morning. Kevin got more bites than me and got a couple close to the bank before they wriggled off his hook. It reminded me of fishing on the Kenai in Alaska with Bridgette. Got the big one right up close, but couldn't get the net under it.
But there will be more perfect days


Bridgette said...

That's a good one Grandma. Love,

Trudie said...

Did you really catch the big one? You did a great job